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Toys R Us closing.

As you know toys r us is closing. It's the ending of my childhood yet my son is still in his prime "play" years. So we went to toys r us and looked around fully expecting to spend some money with summer right around the corner.

Not sure what we were looking for we found a outdoor 3 slide, water spraying, blow up pool for 40% off, and it was the last one!

Yeah it was $300 but I picked it up, moved some money and we got it.

See I get my brothers kids in the summer and we are a family that had lots of party's and get together. So I knew this was going to be put to good use right away!

You don't have to spend $300 on something as big as this. I know that's not an option for a lot of family. Even if it's a sprinkler in the yard get out there build memories. Watch, take photos, play music, enjoy the time you have because tomorrow's never guaranteed.

Hey one last thing remember do not leave kiddos alone around water. This time of year we need to remember water safety first!

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